Our Community

Premier Care Management


In 2009 Premier Care Management was established to provide tailored support packages for vulnerable young people who exhibit challenging behaviour, learning difficulties and mental health needs.


Premier Care Management (PCM) recognises how difficult and stressful a transition into independence can be for young people leaving care. The team helps to make the transition from care to support, from childhood to adulthood, easier by delivering the highest standards of care, support, advice, assistance and reassurance.

The packages of support vary extensively from a minimum package of 10 hours of support per week to 24/7 support, which includes sleep ins or waking nights if necessary.

PCM is supported by a robust organisational structure, with a team of highly experienced and fully qualified staff. They are enrolled on a continuously evolving training programme, benefitting from ongoing and upgrading feedback and development throughout their time with the company. The staff are involved in regular supervised sessions and structured meetings with the management team for ongoing development. The young people’s views are always listened to and the company always strives to achieve positive outcomes for their clients, providing a high-quality service at competitive prices.